+41 79 623 59 38 odile@texterie.com

la texterie odile nerfin
klosterweg 16 CH-8044 Zürich Schweiz
+41 79 623 59 38 odile@texterie.com
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Privacy Statement
la texterie, with its office at Klosterweg 16, 8044 Zurich, Switzerland, is responsible for the processing of personal data as laid down in this privacy statement.

Personal data processed by us
la texterie processes your personal data because you make use of our services. Among the personal data we process are your given name and surname, gender, address details, phone number and email address.

Why we process personal data
la texterie processes your personal data for the following purposes:
• To be able to phone or email you in the performance of our services.
• To enable you to request a price quotation.
• To deliver translations to you.
• For handling your payment.

How long we keep your personal data
Your personal data, which are stored in address files, will be kept by us as long as these files and documents may again have to be used by you in the future. The personal data will be deleted immediately when you notify us that you no longer wish us to be keep them.

Sharing personal data with third parties
la texterie only provides data to third parties if this is necessary for carrying out our agreement with you, or for complying with a statutory requirement. Your confidential data will not be shared with any unauthorized third parties and the translation work will not be outsourced to third parties without your express permission.

Review, correction or deletion of personal data
You have the right to review, correct or delete your personal data. You are also entitled to the transfer of data. This means that you may request us to send your personal data, which we keep in a computer file, to you or somebody else.

How we protect your personal data
la texterie takes appropriate measures to prevent abuse, loss, unauthorized access, unwanted publication and illegal modification regarding your personal data. On your request, we will refrain from storing your personal data in the ‘cloud’ and from using ‘wifi’ outside our own office s. The storage of your personal data will then only take place in our own office space.
If you feel that your data have not been properly protected or if you have indications that they have been used improperly, you may contact us via odile@texterie.
com. On our part, we will also contact you promptly if we discover that, despite all our precautions, your right of privacy has inadvertently been infringed upon. If we are unable to handle your complaint, you may contact: Eidgenössischer Datenschutz- und Öffentlichkeitsbeauftragter, Feldweg 1, CH-3003 Bern.

© 2020 la texterie, Zürich